Gardening Tips

Poppy seeds: How to sow them and what uses they have

Have you ever considered growing poppies in your garden? These beautiful flowers can be seen in many places in Spain. Its characteristic red color stains entire fields. If we like them, why not enjoy them in our home? For this it is essential that we know how to sow poppy seeds In this article we […]

Lantana camara care: the best tips and tricks

The Lantana camara is a flowering plant that is found in many public gardens, green walls and spaces dedicated to decoration. It is a shrub that is used to make hedges, green walls on farm boundaries and is very resistant to suffocating heat and has a great capacity to be able to place it in […]

10 Fall Wildflowers | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons/ForestWander Did you think that plants only bloomed in spring and/or summer? Although you will not lack reason, because during those two seasons is when the conditions in the area are better for the flowers to develop normally, also coinciding with the activity of pollinating insects, which is much greater during those […]

How to plant a geranium: the best tips and tricks

Geraniums are quite decorative plants widely used both indoors and outdoors. It can be sown from seed by cuttings. Many people don’t know how to plant a geranium from seeds or what care it requires for its correct growth and development. In this article we are going to tell you how to plant a geranium […]

How to Make Artificial Flower Bouquets: Simple and Cascading

On special occasions or even to decorate the home, bouquets are one of the most remarkable elements. Can you imagine a bride without her beautiful bouquet going to the altar? These beautiful vegetables accompany us in the most special moments of our lives. Unfortunately, the flowers do not last long in the bouquets and end […]

How to take care of a lily: All the basic care of this flower

Among the most popular ornamental plants in the world are lilies, also known as irises, lilies or Lily. This is mainly due to its large trumpet-shaped flowers and their various colors that are extremely striking. In addition, some varieties of this vegetable even give off a very pleasant aroma. If you want to have one […]

The 10 most beautiful red and lilac wild flowers

Red, as well as lilac, are two colors that we can find relatively easily in nature. And in addition, they are also one of the ones that we humans like the most, or at least, one of the ones that most attracts our attention. Apart from that, it must be said that They can be […]

How to make rose bushes bloom

Nobody is aware that rose bushes are one of the most flowering and decorative shrubs in the world, qualities that have made them one of the most popular plants in gardens and terraces. However, while they are very easy to care for and maintain, sometimes they can worry us. And it is that, when time […]

The 10 Mexican flowers that cannot be missing in your garden

In the world we find certain places that are home to thousands of species of plants. One of them is Mexico, a country in which more than 25 thousand varieties have been described. There are so many different ones, in fact It is considered the fourth country that houses the most plant biodiversity. And of […]

White orchid care: the best tips and tricks

Orchids are one of the best known and most popular indoor plants in the world. However, the care and needs of this plant are a mystery to many people. In this case, we are going to tell you what are the white orchid care so that you can know what are the requirements that are […]

How to hydrate orchid leaves: three ways to do it

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One of the most common problems that orchids can have when they are grown outside their places of origin is dehydration as a result of very low air or environmental humidity. That’s why, it is often recommended to spray themthat is, sprinkle them with water, as this prevents them […]

How To Dry Flowers With Lacquer: Step-by-Step Instructions

Aren’t you very sad that those beautiful flowers that have been given to you end up withering? If we want to keep that beautiful memory of a special event, the best option is to dry the flowers or the entire bouquet. However, there is a little trick that makes them last even longer and look […]

What to do when the orchid loses its leaves

Surely if you have orchids, or have had, this situation has ever happened to you. And most of the time, when you don’t know much, it ends up in the trash thinking the plant is dead. But what to do when the orchid loses its leaves? If you have ever come across your orchids lose […]

Are begonias sun or shade?

Begonias are plants that can be kept both outside, on the balcony or in the garden, and inside the house if you have a room with windows that let in a lot of light. For this reason, the question often arises as to whether they are for sun or shade, and there are also more […]

Amsterdam Flower Market: What is it called and when is it

Since 1862, the famous flower market in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, has been the favorite place for the inhabitants of this beautiful city to buy plants and flowers. Not only bouquets, loose flowers and grown vegetables can be found there, but also seeds and bulbs to plant ourselves. Today it is no longer […]

How to dry a sunflower: Step by step and how long it takes

What is it about sunflowers that makes them so popular? They are beautiful and very cheerful flowers that add a touch of color to any home. In addition, they are the vegetables from which the pipas are extracted, some delicious edible salty seeds that we all know. The large size of sunflowers, their shape and […]

Parts of a sunflower: What are they and their characteristics

Contemplating sunflowers usually gives us joy thanks to their large size and their vivid yellow color. It’s hard to look at them and not think about the beautiful hot summer days. Without a doubt, these flowers are among the most famous, But would you know what the parts of a sunflower are? Although it is […]

Why does my snapdragon flower dry up and how to recover it?

The plant known as snapdragon is an herb that you really want to grow in pots or window boxes, as well as, of course, in the ground. It is small, produces very beautiful flowers, and also does not require any special care. Nevertheless, it may happen that we make a mistake with something, and that […]

How To Plant Dahlias: When To Plant Them And How To Do It

Have you heard of dahlias? These pretty Mexican plants are perennial vegetables that are very easy to grow. In addition, they stand out for the long duration of their flowers, which can delight our eyes from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. It should be noted that it is a bulbous plant […]

The 10 most beautiful flowers that open at night

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Adriano Makoto Suzuki Although most flowers open with the sun, there are some who are in love with the moon. Are night blooming plantsusually late in the afternoon or, there are even some that do it at midnight. And it is that not all species have the same pollinators; in fact, plants […]

How do you take care of giant daisies or Shasta?

Have you ever heard of giant daisies or Shasta? Contrary to normal daisies, these are much larger, hence their nickname of giants, and also more appreciated. If you have one, you have seen it and you want to buy it, but you do not know much about this variety or its care, then we are […]

Potted Night Morning Glory Care

Image – Wikimedia / CT Johansson Morning glory is an herb with very pretty flowers, which bloom during the hottest season of the year. In addition, as it does not grow much, it is one of the plants that are kept in pots, for example on a table on the terrace, or near the pool. […]

Angelonia angustifolia care guide | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Dinesh Valke There are many herbs that have decorative flowers: one of them is the Angelonia angustifolia. This is a beautiful plant that we can plant wherever we want: in a pot or window box, or in the garden together with others, such as the snapdragon (Antirrhinus major) or carnation […]

Flowers in nature: What are they, types and importance

We will all agree that flowers have a special beauty. For this reason they are very popular for decorating homes, gardens, streets and parks. Some we may like more than others, but their importance goes far beyond aesthetics. We will clarify this fact by talking in this article about the importance of flowers in nature. […]

What is flower design? Everything you need to know

The decorations of the gardens and parks are made with a good technique in floral design. However, many people do not know what floral design is or what the techniques and types that exist to be able to make a good decoration of our garden are. In this article we are going to tell you […]

Tuberous Begonia: Characteristics, Uses, Crops and Diseases

Begonias are plants widely used in the decoration of gardens and interiors. One of the most popular is Tuberous begonia. Tuberous Begonias are scientifically known as Begonia tuberhybrida. They are popular for their large, colorful flowers and beautiful foliage. They are very popular in the United States. In this article we are going to tell […]

How to plant hyacinths in a pot and how to care for them?

Hyacinths are bulbous plants that, when they sprout and flower, remain rather small, but they are so pretty that they are a joy to have in pots. And, in addition, as they have a rather short root system, it is possible to plant a few bulbs in the same container. But of course, although it […]

What are the care of the pansy geranium?

Image – Wikimedia/Blueye Pansy geranium is one of the Pelargonium varieties that is best planted in a medium or large window box, as well as in the garden. For example, I like to have them each in a pot, next to a maple that I have in a large container. Another way to decorating with […]

How to take care of surfinias in winter?

Is it possible to get surfinias to survive the winter? Well, it will depend on certain variables, such as the location, that is, where we have the plants; the maximum and minimum temperatures in that area; air humidity; whether or not they are exposed to air currents, and also the care we give them. And […]

Why do my hydrangea have burnt flowers?

Having hydrangeas is something common in many houses since it is one of the most used plants in gardens and interiors and typical of Spain. However, you can often come across hydrangeas with burnt flowers. And that’s not pretty. But do you know why it happens? What are the reasons why you can find them […]

Discover Dietes, a plant with very decorative flowers

Robinsonian diets In South Africa there are very curious and very decorative plants, like the one we are going to present to you. It can be grown both in a pot and in the garden, both indoors and outdoors, and in addition, it is very easy to care. His name is Dietsand it is a […]

Flowering plants all year round

Gazania freezes If you like flowers surely you want to be able to contemplate them throughout the year, right? Unfortunately, many times we have no choice but to wait for spring to return and, with it, the good weather so that our garden or terrace becomes an amazing show full of color. But I have […]

Cala blanca, on a majestic floor

Who has not ever seen a white cove? These precious flowers are often used as a dried flower to make bridal bouquets and even to decorate the home. And it is that, with minimal care, remain intact for several days. But they are also being planted more and more in gardens, giving it a pure […]

Varieties of geraniums for your garden

When you want to enjoy a garden or a balcony full of flowers, the first plant we usually think of is the geranium. They are very popular plants that hardly need maintenance to brighten our day with their beautiful petals. But, Do you know that there are many varieties of geraniums? We tend to think […]

Learn Everything You Need To Know About Orchid Watering

Our Orchids They are plants native to the tropical forests of the world that grow under the shelter of the trunks of large trees, or on their branches, always protected from direct sunlight. Its beautiful flowers are very characteristic, so much so that just by looking at them we can know if we are facing […]

Spring, the ideal time to plant bulbs

Spring is the flower season par excellence, but… not the only one. During the hottest months of the year there are many plants that can bring color and freshness to our garden or terrace, such as gladioli, dahlias or buttercups. These three have one thing in common and that is should be planted in spring […]

Secrets of the pruning of flowering rose bushes

By now we know how much we like rose bushes, although we also know the secrets of pruning so that the plant develops well and gives us its beautiful flowers. Prune rose bushes it is an art in itself that requires patience and knowledge. Roses are deciduous shrubs that bloom from the new branches, with […]

Brighten up your summer with Hemerocallis flowers

The Hemerocallis It is one of the plants that begins to flower towards the end of spring and ends its season in the beginning of autumn. It grows to a height of approximately one meter, although it can be grown in a pot without problems, since its stems are thin and its roots are not […]

Gentian, a plant that cannot be missing in your garden

The gentian It is a small plant that is very easy to grow that you can have in a pot or in the garden. It is herbaceous, but it is also annual, which means that during a year it germinates, grows, multiplies and finally withers. There are several species of these precious plants, such as […]

6 types of flowers for garden or pot

Our flowers they are a real beauty. They appear especially in spring, but there are many that do so in summer and autumn. There are so many types of flowers, so many, that it is impossible to list them all, since there are many plants that bloom. Even so, we are going to show you […]

Black orchid care | Gardening On

Orchids are plants whose flowers are characterized by being very elegant and decorative. There are many species, all of them distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, but there is one that is a little different from the others: the black orchid. Its petals are not brightly colored, but a truly spectacular […]

Cultivation and care of Rosa Freedom

Our freedom pink (freedom, in English) are the leading flowers of Saint George’s Day (or Sant Jordi), which is celebrated on April 23 in Spain, England, Georgia, Portugal, Bulgaria and Ethiopia. And why is it so popular? Legend has it that many years ago an evil dragon terrorized the town of Montblanc (Catalonia), killing their […]

5 types of orchids to decorate your home

They are very elegant plants, with colorful flowers very striking that take extraordinary forms. If you are a green lover, it is very possible that you have been tempted to have one at home, right? It is even probable that at this moment you want to expand your collection, something that, fortunately, today is a […]

When and how to prune geraniums

The geraniums They are very decorative plants and very easy to care for; so much so that they are one of the most recommended for beginners, as they only need to be in an area with a lot of light, and regular watering, preventing the substrate from remaining flooded for a long time. But in […]

Spring flowers. Discover the best

The spring it is the season of color par excellence. It is the maximum expression of life and growth; when the plants, after having spent a few cold and even very cold months, it is as if they welcome a new season in which, once again, they will have to “fight” to get the attention […]

The best summer flowers | Gardening On

Normally we think that spring is the only season when plants are filled with beautiful flowers, but the truth is that it is not the only season. Yes, it is true that after spending a more or less cold winter, there are many species that want to welcome the return of good weather, pleasant temperatures […]

10 Summer bulbs for your garden or terrace

With the arrival of summer, there are many bulbous plants that embellish the garden or terrace with their flowers. For a few months, the place where they are located is filled with very bright colors, and very happy, as is undoubtedly the season. In this time when the days are longer than in the rest […]

The 5 most beautiful poisonous flowers in the world

There are flowers that act as if it were a magnet, attracting our eyes. Their shapes, their bright colors, their apparent innocence … These are plants that are commonly found in gardens, since their undeniable ornamental value together with their easy cultivation, embellish and revive even to the most unexpected corners. But to be able […]

Knowing the Mimosa pudica | Gardening On

Photographed at the Conservatory of Flowers, San Francisco If there is a really curious plant that inhabits this dear planet, this is undoubtedly the Mimosa chastealso known as the Plant of Shame, or the Sensitive Mimosa. It is a herbaceous plant native to Brazil, widely distributed throughout the tropics in which it has been naturalized. […]

Complete file of the royal mallow or moose

There are many flowering perennial herbaceous plants, but not all are as popular as the moose or royal mallow. This beautiful plant native to China produces very, very long flower stems considering the type of plant it is: no more and no less than 1,5 or 2 meters. Can you imagine having it in your […]

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