Month: April 2023

Calathea white fusion, the most attractive variegated leaf

If you want to have a plant that looks like the most expensive ones, but doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg, then calatheas may be your solution. But not just anyone: we are talking about the Calathea white fusion, the variegated plant that will be the envy of everyone who passes by your […]

Square watermelon: its origin and how to grow one in your garden

Have you ever seen a square watermelon? You know how it is? And what does it cost? About three years ago they became fashionable in Japan, where more than 500 euros have been paid for one. But what does a square watermelon look like? Can be done? We explain everything below. The origin and history […]

How to get a blue orchid at home: dyeing techniques

As you know, the blue orchid sold in stores does not exist naturally. These are dyed and over time, unless it is reactivated, it will lose its blue color. But have you ever wanted to have blue orchids at home? Do you know what can be done without any problem? Although it is not the […]

How to care for a mini cactus

Imagine that you are in a store (physical or online). You’re looking at what they have and a mini cactus makes you ‘tingle’. When they are small, they are very cute because they hardly do any damage with their spines (if they have any). So you decide to buy it but… Do you know how […]

Guide to buy a garden waste bin

When you have a garden, it is normal that, due to the plants, the animals or simply the exterior, you end up generating garbage. And of course, you need a garden waste bin to keep the area clean and not look in poor condition. How about we talk about them and show you the characteristics […]

The most beautiful spring wildflowers for your garden

Spring has been with us for a few weeks now, and the heat is beginning to make many wild plants begin to grow and flourish. But, Do you know what spring wildflowers there are that you can use in the garden? Would you like to have a seasonal corner where, depending on the season, you […]

How to recover artificial grass from under the pool

Are you thinking about putting a detachable pool in the garden this year? Are you worried about the investment you have made in artificial grass and the pool may now be a problem? There is no doubt that placing a pool on top of artificial grass and filling it with water is equivalent to putting […]

Mastic hedge: What is it and what are its care

Mastic is a shrub native to the Mediterranean regions that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and culinary properties. However, more recently, mastic has also become a popular choice for garden hedges due to its dense vegetation, easy maintenance and resistance to adverse weather conditions. But what should we take into account to […]

How to choose and buy chlorine for the pool: all the details

With the good weather, there are many who begin to prepare the pools for the heat, and the holidays. And one of the elements that you should not miss is chlorine for the pool. But, when buying it, are you guided only by the price? Don’t you take into account other even more important factors? […]

Echeveria lilacina: what you should know about the ghost succulent

Within succulents, echeverias are one of the most varied plants you can find. AND among them there is one called the “ghost flower”. We refer to the Echeveria lilacina. But what do you know about this plant? Do you know its characteristics? How does it bloom? Maybe care? Below we present a guide so that […]

How to buy outdoor stools

When you have a terrace or a garden where you have put a rest area to use it, outdoor stools can be a good solution to add chairs where you can sit without taking up too much space. But when you buy them You have to take into account certain aspects that will make you […]

White lilies: Characteristics, care and meaning

White lilies, white lilies, or San Antonio Lilies. All these terms refer to Lilium candidum, one of the most beautiful plants you can find in the plant kingdom. But do you know what its meaning? And the care you need? Don’t worry, we’ll talk about all of this below and we’ll even help you understand […]

How to make an easy brick barbecue step by step

With good weather, you want to spend more time in the garden than inside the house. And also, when you invite friends or family, thinking about a barbecue is something that goes hand in hand. But, if you have tired of the typical ones that fall with a little wind, or that do not pull […]

Bonsai sageretia: most important characteristics and care

When you go to the stores the day the plant sales arrive, one of the types of bonsai that you can find is the Sageretia bonsai. It is one of the most common along with the ficus, carmona and serissa. And yet, except for the ficus, all the others are not easy trees to care […]

How to remove cactus spines: easy and effective methods

That cacti prick is something that everyone knows. That is why they are plants that, sometimes, do not gain followers, because when you least expect it, you end up pricking yourself. However, Do you know how to remove cactus spines? Can be done? If you have just wanted to know if you can have a […]

How to Decorate Dried Pumpkins: Ideas and Tips

When pumpkin season begins, kitchens are filled with these vegetables. With them we can create a wide variety of dishes, such as creams, cakes, sauces, sweets and many more. In the gastronomic world there are multiple recipes where pumpkin is the main ingredient. However, this delicious vegetable is not only used to satisfy our appetite, […]

Haworthia pentagona: What is it and what are its cares

The Haworthia pentagona It is a succulent plant native to South Africa. Very popular with collectors due to its interesting features and easy care. Also, since it is easy to maintain, it is ideal for those who want to add a bit of green to their home or work space without spending a lot of […]

How to make a kokedama with coconut fiber

A kokedama is a plant that does not have a pot. This is actually a ball of moss where, inside, are the roots of the plant as well as a mixture of soil and some fertilizer. But, what if we tell you that you can change the substrate for coconut fiber? Do you know how […]

How to make compost with pruning remains

Compost or mulch is the result of the aerobic fermentation of a mixture of organic materials under specific conditions of humidity, aeration, temperature and nutrients. There are many people who want to learn how to make compost with pruning waste to create this type of fertilizer naturally. For this reason, we are going to dedicate […]

How to fertilize tomato plants

Tomatoes are a popular and delicious choice in any garden, but they need special care and attention to grow well and provide plenty of fruit. Fertilizing is one of the most crucial practices in caring for tomato plants. Giving them the right nutrients can help them grow into robust, healthy, and fruitful vegetables. For this, […]

The rarest and most beautiful hybrid tea roses in the world

Having a well-kept rose bush means that, when the good weather arrives, you can enjoy some beautiful roses. But, what if that rose bush is one of the rare ones? And if you have rare roses? In general, when talking about rare roses, they are related to the so-called hybrid tea roses. A variation and […]

What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries

Do you like strawberries? For sure yes. But what you may long for is really eating a strawberry, and not strawberries, which is what has been on the market lately. But, Do you know the difference between strawberries and strawberries? If you want to make sure that what you buy is actually strawberries, or even […]

Pepper: fruit or vegetable? We tell you everything

Many people wonder if the bell pepper is a fruit or a vegetable. It is mainly necessary to differentiate between two cases. On the one hand, the pepper can be made from a nutritional point of view or from a culinary point of view. Analyzing the pepper from each of these points, you can draw […]

Ficus benghalensis

Within the ficus it is possible that you know some, even that you have them at home. But what we are going to talk about next is rather unknown. The Ficus benghalensis is striking for its leaves, but it actually has so much more that you’ll appreciate it for. For this reason, on this occasion, […]

The keys to choosing a good pool cleaner

With the good weather approaching, more and more people are thinking about the garden, the pool… But, Do you know that if you have a pool you also need a pool cleaner? If it is large enough, this allows you to clean the floor, or even the walls, and keep the water clean. But when […]

Varieties of potatoes: know the most popular and rare

One of the foods that is not usually missing in almost any house are potatoes. But, Did you know that there are different varieties of potatoes? In addition to being the fourth most consumed food (the three that are ahead are corn, wheat and rice) it is also one of the most types. But do […]

How to buy professional pruning shears

Autumn, as well as the beginning of spring, are two seasons in which the pruning of most of the plants that we have in the garden or inside the house is carried out. And we know that using quality tools will help the plants suffer less, since we finish earlier. One of them is professional […]

How to care for a ficus variegata: The keys to keep it healthy

Within the plants you have the “normal” versions and the variegated ones. These are characterized by having different colors, but also care. For example, a ficus and a variegated ficus are totally different. Do you know how to care for a ficus variegata? Don’t worry, if you manage to get hold of one of them […]

When is spinach planted?

A favorite among many horticulturists is spinach. It is a versatile, nutrient-dense vegetable that is easy to grow. To ensure a successful harvest, You must first be aware of when spinach is planted, as it may vary depending on your location and temperature. In this article you will be able to discover when spinach is […]

How to make orchid kokedamas step by step (with tips)

Kokedamas are an art form with plants. It can be made in many different ways, not just the plants themselves, but the items that go into the kokedama balls. That’s why, How about we teach you how to make orchid kokedamas? Whether you have to make a gift, or simply want to have an orchid […]

What are the best flowering fertilizers for marijuana?

Image – Wikimedia/Botanical Marijuana is a relatively easy type of plant to grow, but it can sometimes be difficult to flower. To prevent this from happening, the best thing we can do is fertilize it, since this way it will have all the necessary nutrients to produce its flowers. In the market we find flowering […]

How to make bougainvillea cuttings: tips and tricks

If you have a bougainvillea in the garden, surely more than once you have had to prune it so that its growth does not go out of control. But, Did you know that you can get a new plant from there? How about we explain how to make bougainvillea cuttings? Next we are going to […]

Sedum lucidum, this is the ‘shameful’ succulent

Do you like succulents? So you may have heard of sedum lucidumone of the most appreciated and also one of those that offers you a color in each of its leaves that does not pass indifferent to anyone. But what is the sedum lucidum like? What care do you need? We are going to talk […]

The best small indoor plants for any corner

Sometimes you would like to have a lot of plants in your house, but the space you have may be limited. What if we told you that there is a way to have more plants? We are talking about small indoor plants, which allow you to have a greater number in the same space and […]

Sansevieria moonshine, the hardy plant with clear leaves

Have you ever heard of Sanseviera moonshine? Among all the different ones you can find, this is perhaps one that stands out because it has light green leaves. Its shape is very similar but the simple tonality makes it one of the rarest that you can have at home. Do you want to know more […]

What is the flora of Australia like and where is it found?

Image – Wikimedia/Dinkum // Daintree Rainforest (Australia) How is the flora of Australia? Where do you live? Both on the Australian continent and on the surrounding islands, we find many types of micro-climates that allow the growth of a certain group of plants. Thus, we can see both humid tropical forests and very dry regions […]

How to care for a camellia cutting in water?

The attractive flowers and glossy green leaves of camellias make them highly prized plants. If you have any specimen of this plant and want to reproduce it, a good method of doing this is by cuttings in water. It is a very simple and common task that does not require much work or hardly any […]

Monstera thai constellation, the white-speckled monstera

Among the types of monsteras that are on the market, one that rivals the variegated species is the Monstera thai constellation. With white spots along the leaves, it is one of the rarest, and also most appreciated, that you can find on the market. But how is this monstera? What care does she need? We […]

How to recover a sansevieria with excess water

Sansevieria, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is one of the easiest plants to care for. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have problems. In fact, you can find a sansevieria with excess water that will end up rotting it. Do you want to know your sansevieria? Know if you have excess water that can make […]

What is the vegetation of the oceanic climate like?

The oceanic climate, also called the maritime climate, brings together certain conditions that make many plants form beautiful forests and jungles. The rains are abundant throughout the year, and although the temperatures are rather cool, this allows countries like Spain to enjoy incredible vegetation. Beech, oak, ash, and many, many other trees are the owners […]

Differences between the Monstera adansonii and the obliqua

When you go to buy a monstera in stores, one that you often see is the adansonii. However, many times, next to that name, they also place the obliqua. They are actually two different species, but what are the differences between Monstera adansonii and Monstera obliqua? If you think that both are the same, we […]

How to recover a calathea with fallen leaves?

Imagine that you have bought a calathea. They are very beautiful plants that attract attention due to their leaves, the drawings they have and their bearing. But, what if suddenly you have a calathea with drooping leaves? What happens? If you have also encountered this problem and you are not sure what it could be […]

Why does potted pine dry up? The reasons and solutions

Imagine that you have bought a pine tree, either in a bonsai or in a pot. It’s beautiful, but after a few months you look at it and it looks brown and lifeless. You touch it (careful not to poke yourself) and it turns out to crumble. And when you look closer, he’s dead… Why […]

Why are the leaves of the orange tree rolled up?

Have you ever seen orange leaves rolled up? Many times when you see something like this, we tend to worry and think that what you need is more water. And actually that can be much worse. So why are the leaves of the orange tree rolled up? If you want to know the reasons why […]

How to choose the best substrate for marijuana?

Someone once told me that a plant that is grown in a pot is a living being that totally depends on the care that we give it, and it is something that I totally agree with, because if we want it to be healthy and green, we will have to try to water it when […]

How to save a kalanchoe with soft leaves?

Succulents, genus to which it belongs the kalanchoe, is characterized by having fleshy and normally hard leaves. However, when you have a kalanchoe with soft leaves, you worry because you know that something may be happening to it that, right now, you don’t really know what it is. If it has happened to you, or […]

When is lettuce planted?

Lettuce is a vegetable that is grown all over the world. It is the main ingredient in many salads and a perfect addition to sandwiches and burgers. If you are thinking of growing this vegetable in your garden, it is important that you know When is lettuce planted? We are going to clarify this question […]

How to reproduce a cactus: all possible ways step by step

If you like cacti and you have several, Surely more than once you have wondered how to reproduce a cactus. Perhaps you have even done it without knowing it and it has worked out for you. But, what if we help you to know that information to get the most out of it? Below we […]

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