
What is the use of installing an insect hotel?

We know that if we have a garden it is very normal for some pests to appear that are not exactly desired, however we can cope better if we build a insect hotel or insect shelter as some people call it, in addition to the fact that if we build a shelter for insects, production […]

What are lipped plants and what uses do they have?

Plants are classified in many ways, one of the most popular being their family. Of all there are, Lamiaceae (better known as labiates) are one of the most extensive, comprising about 245 genera and about 7900 species distributed throughout the world, especially in temperate regions. Faced with such a variety, it is easy to find […]

Medlar: characteristics and cultivation | Gardening On

The medlar is a fruit tree that, although it is native to East Asia, has managed to adapt very well to the temperate climate of Europe and even the mild temperatures of some parts of America. In addition, it is a plant that provides shade throughout the year, as it has large leaves that remain […]

What is the pH of water and why is it important for plants?

What is the pH of the water? Water is the key element for there to be life, both animal and plant. Thanks to this vital liquid, plants can breathe, feed, grow, flourish and bear fruit. But when you grow them, you have to make sure that you use the most suitable one, because if it […]

How to buy tools to prune palm trees

It is increasingly common to have a palm tree at home. Whether for the garden or inside the house, these are one of the common plants in many homes. And for that, you have to have tools to prune palm trees. Now, Do you know which are the best? And what should you look for […]

What is kiwi and what care does it need?

We will dedicate our article today to talk about this delicious and complete fruit called Kiwiwhere one of its most prominent components is the Vitamin CIn fact, it contains more than any other citrus fruit, however this complete fruit has other properties that are not negligible, such as Luteinwhich is very beneficial to prevent cataracts, […]

Piper nigrum: characteristics, properties, variety and cultivation

Throughout the world, pepper is considered the queen of spices. There are many different species of pepper depending on its origin and its type of cultivation. Today we are going to talk about Piper nigrum. This plant belongs to the Piperaceae family and is cultivated for its fruits that give a particular spice known throughout […]

What is the miner and how is it removed?

Image – Flickr / chausinho Have you ever seen that your plant stopped having healthy and beautiful leaves? If so, a possible cause may have been a minelayerthat is, an insect larva that lives inside the leaves and feeds from inside the leaves. Although they are difficult to control, since by staying inside the tissue […]

How to take care of the garden in summer?

During the warmer months of the year there is a lot to do. Plants grow at a good rate, and many of them flower and even bear fruit. To be able to develop need a constant supply of water and regular inputs of compostin addition to being protected against pests and microorganisms that cause diseases. […]

Broussonetia papyrifera: Characteristics, cultivation, care and uses

The Broussonetia papyrifera It usually reaches a height of up to 15 meters and is characterized by the different shapes that its leaves present. This tree is commonly used since ancient times for the paper making and manufacturing. It is also known by the name of Paper mulberry or Turkish mulberrybeing originally from the Asian […]

Potted mandarin: care, diseases and pests

When you think of a fruit tree, the most normal thing is that the first thing that comes to mind is that you need a garden to plant it, or a lot of space to have it. But the truth is that the vast majority of them can be planted in a pot. Such is […]

Mazus reptans: A beautifully colored upholstery plant

It may seem like a lie, but very little is known about the Mazus reptans or better known as creeping maze. However, we have compiled some interesting and useful information about this plant in this article. By knowing more about the Mazus reptansmost likely you want to grow this plant in your garden and / […]

How is the chestnut tree cared for?

The brown It is one of the most cultivated fruit trees in all temperate regions of the world: not only for its fruit, which is delicious, but also for its ornamental value and rusticity. As if that were not enough, it is one of those plants that, as they grow, provide a pleasant shade, something […]

Nectarine: characteristics and care to enjoy its flavor

Do you like peaches? If you answered yes, you may like the nectarinesince it is better to chew . But, do you want to know its origin and the care it needs to bear fruit? The tree that produces them is rather small, so it is ideal for growing in gardens with little space or […]

Green Gardening Tips | Gardening On

Although today we can find synthetic products that will help us keep pests under control and make plants grow relatively well, we cannot forget that if we misuse them, what we will achieve will be to damage the environment. For this reason, it is highly recommended to bet on nature and take care of the […]

Origin and characteristics of the Bromeliaceae

The Bromeliaceae They form a family of plants that we love to have both indoors and in gardens, especially tropical or subtropical ones. They form rosettes of leaves of such cheerful and beautiful colors that it is impossible not to want to stop to look at them. Known as bromeliads, it is estimated that there […]

What is the pistil of a flower and what is its function?

It is in all female and hermaphrodite flowers. Sometimes it rises proudly on the petals, other times it seems to want to hide between the stamens. Its color varies greatly depending on the plant species, however, its basic shape does not change. The pistil is one (another, rather) masterpiece of nature, thanks to which evolution […]

What is the universal substrate for?

When we want to start growing the odd plant, they will most likely recommend using universal substrate, a type of soil that will allow the vast majority of species to grow and develop correctly. But Do you know what the universal substrate is for? If the answer is no, don’t worry. After reading this article […]

How is the Chinese potato grown?

There are many types of vegetables, and one of the most curious is known as the Chinese potato. It is produced by a plant in the pumpkin family, and it is very easy to grow. In addition, it has a mild flavor, very easy to eat as the pulp is generally soft. Do you want […]

How to buy liquid fertilizer for plants

Plants, in addition to the watering and light they need to grow, also need some extras to nourish themselves. We are talking about liquid fertilizer for plants, or solid, or in capsules. Now, which is the best on the market? Are they all valid for all types of plants? What to look for when you […]

What is hilling? | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Cleomarlo There are several horticultural plants that, for one reason or another, as they grow must be trained so that they do not fall under their own weight, or that need to have some part protected from direct sun to bleach and, thus, have a better flavor to time to […]

Market agriculture: what, characteristics and importance

As we know, agriculture is the set of techniques and procedures that are used to cultivate the land in order to produce food. These foods have a plant origin such as fruits, vegetables, greens, cereals, among others. Carrying the land has become an art there are different types of agriculture according to their characteristics and […]

What are botanical families? | Gardening On

Acer pseudoplatanus Botany is a fascinating science. Thanks to it we will be able to know all the secrets of plants, and I am not only referring to their characteristics visible to the naked eye, but we can also go deeper and see them, for example, through a microscope. Thus, little by little the researchers […]

Blue corn (Zea mays) | Gardening On

Have you heard of blue corn? In Latin America it is quite common, but in the rest of the world… it is very difficult to find it. Despite that, its cultivation is very simple; not in vain, they are produced by the same species zea mays. This is a very fast growing herb that loves […]

How to buy a terrace table

Imagine that you are on your terrace, sitting in an armchair and peacefully reading a book. You get thirsty and go for a glass of lemonade. You sit down and… are you going to have one hand for the glass and the other for the book? Surely not, so you will want to leave the […]

Sowing arugula: When and how to sow arugula, pests and diseases

Arugula is an annual herb belonging to the Brasicaceae family, also called Crucifers. The scientific name of this vegetable is Eruca vesicaria Cavanilles, but it is also known as eruga, caterpillar, arugula, rocket or jamarguillo. Despite being native to western Asia and southern Europe, This plant has become world famous for its many culinary uses. […]

How useful are calcium and magnesium for plants?

It is a mistake to think that plants only need water to be healthy; Even the carnivorous ones – which are one of those that never have to be fertilized since their roots would burn if they did not have traps that would attract insects, they would not be able to live only with the […]

Keep pests under control with chromatic traps

Image – To control the pests that can affect our beloved plants, several things can be done: use synthetic (chemical) or natural remedies. Both are very useful, but with the first you have to be very careful since, in addition to being quite dangerous for us, they are also dangerous for the environment. For […]

What is the stipe of a plant?

The term stipe In botany it has several meanings, which means that it is used to refer to a specific part of different types of plants. This part can be the trunk or pseudo-trunk in some cases, an inflorescence in others, … it is even used to call a structure of the largest algae. Consequently, […]

Quince Growing Guide | Gardening On

The quince is a fruit tree that, although it is not as common as others (citrus, for example), it is a plant that is interesting to know because, in addition to producing edible fruits, these are also medicinal. In addition, it adds ornamental value to the garden, not only for its size, but also for […]

How to choose garden sheds?

Whether you have a small, medium or large garden, Surely it will be good for you to have a place where you can store gardening tools and other objects. You may think that it does not combine anything with your home, but the truth is that in the market you can find so many models […]

What are the diseases of the peach tree?

Do you want to know what are the diseases of the peach tree? I understand you! It is very sad to see this beautiful tree have a hard time, even if the problem that is affecting it seems slight. And it is that, seeing it healthy is, without a doubt, much better. But unfortunately it […]

Wetland: what is it, characteristics, importance and types of wetlands

Among the natural ecosystems that have great ecological importance and for the maintenance of biodiversity are wetlands. Every year the aim is to make the population aware of the need to be able to conserve these precious natural ecosystems. For this reason, the World Wetlands Day is celebrated every February 2. A wetland It is […]

What is agriculture: characteristics, types and importance

The human being needs to supply the entire population with enough food. Much of this food comes from the earth by combining different procedures and knowledge that have been acquired over thousands of years. The objective of agriculture is to produce food of plant origin such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetables, among others, combining all […]

Best Gifts for Gardening Hobbyists

The end of the year is coming, Santa Claus, Twelfth Night… and you still don’t know what to give yourself or give to a crazy-lover of gardening? It is normal. The truth is that the same thing happens to me too, always. I’m one of those who leave these things to the last minute. But […]

Why is it important to transplant plants?

When we buy a plant we often think that it can be in that same pot for a long time, and even always, but this, my friends, is a mistake. If we let it stay in that same container for more months than it probably has already been, it is most likely that we will […]

What is and how is a plantation frame made?

Image – Flickr / Until and U Have you ever heard of the plantation frame? If your answer is no, don’t worry. Actually, it is very simple: it is nothing more than the distance that is left between one plant and another. Of course, it is very important to take this into account when designing […]

Meet the tamarillo or tree tomato, a very special plant

You like tomatoes? The truth is that whether they are in a salad or on toast, for example, they are delicious. But surely you are used to seeing, or maybe even growing, rather herbaceous plants. But what if I told you that there is a variety that is more of a tree? That is the […]

Characteristics and cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Today we are going to talk about a legume species that is well known and cultivated throughout the world. It is about the beans or beans. The scientific name is Phaseolus and it has other common names like beans, beans, and beans. It belongs to the legume family and comes from America. It is quite […]

What is the perianth of a flower?

Image – Wikimedia Commons Flowers are quite complex structures. They seem very simple to us, but if we stop for a moment to look at each of its parts, we will realize that reality, again, surpasses fiction. One of those parts that usually have many flowers is the perianthand it is the one that humans […]

How is insecticidal oil applied?

Image – The garden of joy Plants throughout the year can be affected by a number of pests and other microorganisms that can cause diseases. To avoid this as much as possible, one of the things that can be done is treat them with suitable products before symptoms appear that can make us suspect that […]

Silkworms. Tips to take care of them step by step

Raising silkworms is quite an adventure. It is a growth process that begins from the hatching of the eggs to the formation of the moth. During this growth, the worm goes through various stages in which we can give it some care that will facilitate its development and the better formation of the moth later. […]

Germinate chestnuts: when and how to do it to be successful

If you are a chestnut lover, you will surely look forward to the time when they hit the shops as “May water.” In fact, there are many who long for that moment to enjoy them. But what if we tell you that you can germinate chestnuts at home and thus have your own tree to […]

How is the cultivation of young shoots?

One way to have fresh vegetables all year round is through growing young shoots or microgreens. Just by sowing the seeds and waiting for them to have cotyledons (primitive leaves) or a couple of definitive leaves, we can prepare, for example, delicious and nutritious salads at any time of the year. In addition, it will […]

Characteristics and types of rosaceae

Plants of the Roseaceae family, known as RosaceaeThey are ones whose ornamental value is very, very high. In addition, there are many species that produce edible fruits and that, due to this, are cultivated in much of the world. With 90-130 genera, in which between 2000 and 2500 species are distributed, they are some of […]

What is a tree grate?

Image – Wikimedia / CarlosVdeHabsburgo Both in the streets of our towns and cities, as well as in the gardens, around the trees and palm trees, a tree is practically always made in order to retain the water around the trunk. In this way, the roots can take advantage of it, and the person in […]

The white truffle, the most expensive delicacy in the world.

There are little whims and delicacies that we have from time to time and then there is the white truffle. It is probably one of the most expensive delicacies in the world. Its scientific name is Tuber magnamatum Peak and it is also known by the name of tartufo bianco. It is considered one of […]

When to pay a bonsai?

Plants need to have a more or less constant supply of food to grow and stay alive, something that in nature is not usually a problem, since there is always organic matter decomposing and becoming compost. But when they are grown in pots, the fertilizer becomes one of the most important tasks that every gardener […]

How to buy an antiant

With the arrival of good weather, it is also common for insects to appear and, without a doubt, one of the least wanted in our home is ants. For this reason, a good ant repellent can avoid unpleasant situations. Do you want to buy the best anti-ant on the market? And know what you should […]

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