
How to buy pool ladders

Think of several pools. What is the element that is always the same in all of them? You are right, ladders for swimming pools. This accessory is essential but what you may not know is that there are many different models. Which of them is the best? If you are thinking of renovating the pool […]

Hypericum calycinum: characteristics, care and uses

Today we are going to talk about a type of plant that is frequently used as a covering plant in both private and public gardens. Its about Hypericum chalice. It is also known by the common names of creeping Hypericum, Hypericón, St. John’s wort and St. John’s rose. It is a plant native to Greece […]

What are stomata and what do plants use it for? Gardening On

Although we see plants develop normally, they have a great dilemma to face on an ongoing basis. They should try to get as much carbon dioxide as possible through the process of photosynthesis and retain as much water as possible. In order to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, they need organs known as stomata. […]

Chile rocoto: main characteristics, cultivation and care

Some types of cuisine try to stand out due to the combination of acidic, citric and spicy flavors. One of the standards of many South American countries is based on spicy food. Here enter Chile hot pepper. It is also known by the name of chile de cera or chile el manzano. Its scientific name […]

How To Plant A Peach Tree: When To Do It And How To Plant It

The peach tree, also known as peach, It is especially characterized by being a fast-growing tree. This means that it bears its first fruits after a few years. If you are thinking of growing your own peaches, you must first know how to plant a peach tree. In this article we will not only explain […]

Why are petunias sticky? | Gardening On

Have you ever found your petunias sticky? This is a problem, because the cause of them becoming like this is a plague that we must discover in order to identify and, consequently, apply the most appropriate treatment so that the plants recover. But of course, there are several pests that can do that, so it […]

How to Grow Passiflora from Seeds…

Content: Passiflora: growing from seeds Reproduction of passionflower Passiflora: growing from seeds Growing Passiflora From Seeds Is Fun Passiflora – an evergreen perennial exotic ampelous plant, with star-shaped single large flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter). In our regions, it does not winter in open ground. For the winter Passiflora must be brought indoors. […]

Microbiology: What is it, types, beginning and application

There are many branches and categories within biology, each with its own characteristics and importance. One of them is microbiology, thanks to which we have achieved many important advances in science and especially in medicine. However, human knowledge remains very limited in this matter. Therefore, new discoveries are constantly being made. Although most people associate […]

What are clay balls and what are they used for?

You may have seen them at some time in the nurseries, and you have even thought that they only serve to decorate. But the truth is that clay balls are excellent for improve drainage of the substrates. And there are many plants that do not tolerate excess water, such as cacti and succulents. For this […]

How to grow myrtle at home? Planting, care and propagation of plants

beautiful plant – myrtle myrtle home care myrtle flower photo Beautiful houseplant – ordinary myrtle Homemade myrtle is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. The potted plant looks great on tables and shelving around the house. It emphasizes the important elements of the interior and the special charm of the inhabitants of the house. […]

Anthracnose in tomato: What are its symptoms and how to treat it

There are many diseases and pests that can affect our crops, which also includes tomato plants. One of the most common pathologies in these fruits is one caused by fungi, known as anthracnose. To learn more about tomato anthracnose, we will discuss its symptoms and how to treat it. If you are growing tomatoes and […]

Olive milkweed plague: life cycle, symptoms and treatment

One of the pests that most affects the olive tree is the olive milkweed. Its scientific name is Euphyllura olivine and it is a homopter that, although it does not usually cause significant damage, is quite annoying when harvesting olives. In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, biological cycle and […]

How to grow phlox? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

Phloxes is a garden classic for generations. They easily take root in any conditions, are unpretentious and do not require special attention to themselves. Content: how to grow annual phlox from seeds when to prune phlox in autumn how to cut phlox how long do phloxes bloom How to grow annual phlox Annuals phloxes are […]

What are the Tablas de Daimiel: characteristics, flora and fauna

In our natural environments protection figures are created to conserve landscapes, vegetation and fauna. In this way, we try not to degrade nature and conserve it as best as possible. One of these quite famous environments is the Tablas de Daimiel. However, many people do not know what are the Daimiel Tables or how important […]

How to choose clematis? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

Clematis is loved for it decorative propertiesbecause these flowers immediately catch the eye. A composition of clematis can decorate every garden, park, flower bed, as well as complement your home, veranda or greenhouse. Content: is it possible to plant clematis in a pot how to plant clematis why is clematis not growing Is it possible […]

How to make a homemade foliar compost?

So that a plant can grow well it needs to be paid regularly throughout the growing season as, like animals, they must not only “drink” water but also “eat” if they want to survive. If we did not, we could have it beautiful for a couple of years, but as the substrate runs out of […]

Why plant pansies? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

pansies: description planting and caring for pansies pansies photos and videos Description Pansies, viola, Vitrocca violet, all these names belong to the same flower. Bright and compact violets are very popular in landscape design. They are planted in flower beds, used as a groundcover. pansy flowers grow well in stone vases, hanging baskets, balcony boxes. […]

Garden furniture: The best, buying guide and where to buy it

When we have outdoor spaces such as gardens or terraces, we like to be able to enjoy them on beautiful sunny days. For greater comfort when resting outside, the best option is to purchase garden furniture. These can be both sofas, chairs and tables. So we can enjoy a good meal outdoors or simply read […]

How to remove the green bug at home

The green bug (nezara viridula) is a pest that affects many herbs, fruits, ornamental plants, and some cereal crops, especially wheat and soybeans. As in principle it does not cause significant damage like other pests such as caterpillars or ants, it usually goes unnoticed. In addition, when it is still in the nymph stage, it […]

When to plant a cherry tree

Do you like cherries? They taste delicious, right? In addition, they serve to calm the stomach, even temporarily. However, there is nothing like the taste of your freshly harvested food, so I am going to explain when to plant a cherry tree. A very beautiful fruit tree that you can enjoy throughout the year. And […]

Sheet and care of the tropical almond tree

The tropical almond It is a tree that if you live in an area with a mild climate you will surely have seen it at some time. It is a very beautiful, fast-growing plant that gives very good shade thanks to its 35 meters high and its large leaves. Would you like to know more […]

Oxalis deppei: characteristics, care and requirements

Surely on numerous occasions you have been in a garden and you have been looking for a 4-leaf clover. These clovers are said to have the ability to grant luck to those who find it. If we have a lawn in our garden and it begins to grow full of clovers there are some mixed […]

How to propagate pelargonium? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

pelargonium – decoration of the apartment how to propagate pelargonium pelargonium photo Pelargonium – decoration of the apartment Pelargonium – this is a very bright and incredibly beautiful decoration of rooms, terraces, balconies and even streets. Many plant it in flower beds, use it to complement areas near residential buildings, and it will also look […]

Why does Strelitzia augusta have brown leaves?

Does the strelitzia augusta can it have brown leaves? Of course! Actually, any plant, however resistant it may be, can have them. And our protagonist, like any other, can end up like this for various reasons. But wich ones? It is important that you know them, because although there are some that are not worrying, […]

How to grow forget-me-nots in the garden? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

Content: forget-me-nots: characteristic how to plant and care for forget-me-nots forget-me-not flowers photos Description Forget-me-nots, sky-blue flowers that bloom in early summer in meadows and edges are known to everyone. It’s widespread wild flower. They grow in gardens hybrid varieties with larger flowers. Forget-me-nots are an unusual decoration for any garden. Forget-me-nots It is a […]

Why do plant leaves wrinkle? 5 causes and solutions

The leaves are very delicate, since they are the ones that are most exposed to environmental factors (wind, rain, sun, etc.), but they are also often the first to suffer the consequences of a lack or excess of nutrients, not in In vain, the roots work to absorb water from the soil so that it […]

Garden chairs: The best, buying guide and where to buy them

When the weather is good, many of us love to enjoy a good meal outdoors. It can be anywhere outside, because in the end what we value the most is the company. However, it never hurts to be comfortable during the hours that we can be chatting and having a drink. Therefore it is advisable […]

When and how to water tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the easiest horticultural plants to grow that exist, so much so that regardless of whether or not we have a plot of land, we can enjoy the authentic flavor of their fruits produced without chemicals. But for it it is important to water them when necessary. How do you know that? […]

Why are algae not plants: characteristics and classification

Among the oldest living organisms that exist on the planet we find algae. They are organisms that have been and continue to be of vital importance for the biological balance of the planet. Many people don’t understand why algae are not plants or just the so-called marine plants. Keep in mind that they are not […]

How to buy some garden gates

Do you need to prevent the passage of pets or children in the garden? Then you are probably looking for garden doors to, in addition to preventing them from entering areas that you do not want, to give that space a more beautiful touch. But what are the best garden gates? And how should you […]

Chinoto, characteristics and care of this small citrus

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang The little tree, or rather bush that I’m going to tell you about, is a plant that can be grown in different ways: in the garden, in a pot, or even as a bonsai. One of the most popular common names you get is Chinese or quinoto, […]

How to fill a terrace: the best tips and steps to follow

The terraces are human inventions that raise walls or slopes and are widely used for agricultural work. They are parts of a square space or distribution of land with the purpose of improving the quality of crops. Historically, its greatest use was between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, probably due to population growth during that […]

Seeds and seedlings. Planting, care and propagation of plants

In this lesson, you will find information about seeds and seedlings of flower crops, as well as other basic knowledge for the serious gardener. Content: how to choose sunflower seeds what do sunflower seeds look like how to plant sunflower seeds how to collect sunflower seeds how to clean sunflower seeds flax seeds: benefits how […]

How to remove bamboo | Gardening On

When you want to have a beautiful garden, you often make the mistake of choosing plants that, in addition to having a high ornamental value, adapt too well to our area, to the point that if we do not control their growth we can end up having a big problem, like bamboo. This is a […]

Garden sofa: The best, buying guide and where to buy them

The feeling of being in the middle of nature, breathing fresh air and listening to the birds sing is one of the best there is. If we have at our disposal a terrace or a garden that allows us to have quality breaks, we must take care of it and improve it. And where is […]

How to remove weevils: the best tips and tricks

One of the best known pests that can attack agricultural crops is the weevil. It is a fairly small insect called a weevil. Usually lives and breeds in areas where food is present in the form of grains. Therefore, it seriously affects corn, rice and oat crops. It makes very annoying pests and you have […]

All about Aloe polyphylla, the spiral aloe

There are many species of aloes, but if there is one that attracts a lot of attention due to its curious spiral shape, it is the Aloe polyphylla. It is a succulent, not a cactus or a slow-growing succulent plant, but so beautiful that any patio or garden will undoubtedly look great with it. Maintaining […]

Alstroemeria in your garden … – planting, care, photo, how to grow and harvest

Content: what is alstroemeria how to grow alstroemerias reproduction of alstroemeria What is alstroemeria Alstroemeria – perennial herbaceous plant. Her flowers have a high decorative effect, have bright colors and airy petals. Bushes bloom profusely and for a long time, throughout the summer. Alstroemeria looks spectacular in a single planting, in container and pot plantings. […]

Auxin: What is auxin, types and its application in agriculture

More and more people are aware that plants are also living beings that breathe, feed and reproduce. However, it is difficult to imagine the existence of specific hormones for plants. Yes, vegetables have their own hormones, also called phytohormones. One of them is auxin, which we are going to talk about in this article. Auxins […]

How to use vinegar on hydrangeas?

Is vinegar useful for hydrangeas? Well, like everything in life: it depends. And it will depend on what you want to use it for, and whether they really need it or not considering the land they are growing on. And it is that vinegar is a liquid that has a very low pH, for which […]

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